How to Organize Your Gear - Backpacker Magazine May 27, 2014

Step One is to edit your belongings down to the essentials. Only keep gear that is in tgood condition. For things you’ve kept strictly because of sentimental value, take a photo as a keepsake before getting rid of them. Once you’ve elminimated duplicates and damaged gear, organize what’s left by frequency of use.

Daily - (“A Space”) Need your bike gear every day? Kit it (plus multipsport items, like a hydration pack) close at hand on a hook or shelf by the door.

Weekly - (“B - Space”) Items you use frequently should be accessible, yet out of the way. Store these in a well-labeled box at eye level or below.

Seasonal - (“C - Space”) Group this gear by season, labeled in a box or bag, and stored away during most of the year. Create inexpensive stroage space in an apartment by thinking vertically: install shelving units and matching bins or use a shelving rack if you don’t want holes in your walls.


Closet Declutter - Use my 3F Rule - Real Simple Magazine.


Decluttering Workbook